Commands on the ThinLinc server¶
In this chapter, we will describe the commands shipped as part of the ThinLinc server that are meant for the end users or the system administrators.
User commands:
tl-config — command-line interface to ThinLinc configuration
tl-desktop-restore — reset GNOME and KDE configuration
tl-disconnect — disconnect from a ThinLinc session
tl-env — run command with a ThinLinc session environment
tl-memberof-group — determine group membership of calling user
tl-mount-localdrives — mount ThinLinc client local drives
tl-session-param — get ThinLinc session information
tl-single-app — run a single application in full screen
tl-sso-password — get single sign-on password
tl-sso-token-passphrase — get single sign-on token passphrase
tl-sso-update-password — ask user for a single sign-on password
tl-umount-localdrives — unmounts ThinLinc client local drives
tl-while-x11 — run program during ThinLinc session lifetime
Administrator commands:
tlctl — control a ThinLinc cluster
tlctl load — cluster load information
tlctl session — session handling
tl-gen-auth — generate a ThinLinc password hash
tl-ldap-certalias — update local certificate authentication from LDAP
tl-notify — send a message to all ThinLinc sessions
tl-rsync-all — synchronize files across all ThinLinc agents
tl-setup — configure the ThinLinc server
tl-show-licenses — show ThinLinc user licenses
tl-ssh-all — run a command on all ThinLinc agents
tl-support — give ThinLinc support remote access