Upgrading ThinLinc

This chapter will detail the process of upgrading ThinLinc servers and clusters. There are several important items that have to be considered regarding ThinLinc upgrades:

  • It is required that all servers (including HA nodes) in a cluster are running the same ThinLinc version.

  • All ThinLinc services will automatically be stopped during the entire upgrade. They will be started again once ThinLinc setup finishes.

  • Users will not be able to reconnect to running sessions when the master service is stopped or when the agent service is stopped on the agent server running the session.

  • Users will not be able to create new sessions when the master service is stopped or when no agent servers are available.

  • Running sessions will be unaffected by a upgrade. This means that users can continue working. This also means that running sessions will not be getting the benefits from the new version.

Upgrading a cluster

The recommended workflow for upgrading a ThinLinc cluster is as follows:

  1. Review configuration changes in the release notes for the new release. More information regarding configuration migration can be found in Configuration migration.

  2. Check licenses and install new ones if needed. For details see New licenses.

  3. Schedule the upgrade and if necessary prepare the users on that reconnections or creation will be unavailable during the upgrade process. The command tl-notify can be used to send messages to users in running sessions. Documentation for this command can be found in Commands on the ThinLinc server.

  4. Stop the agent services on all agent servers. The command tl-ssh-all can be used to run commands on all agent servers in the cluster. Documentation for this command can be found in Commands on the ThinLinc server. This step will prevent reconnections and the creation of new sessions.

  5. Remove all agent servers from the cluster by clearing the configuration parameter /vsmserver/subclusters/<name>/agents on the master. Details on this parameter can be found in Parameters in /vsmserver/subclusters/. Restart the master service to take the change into effect. If HA is used, do this on both master servers.

  6. Upgrade the master server. Details for installing an upgrade can be found in Upgrading the package and Configuration migration. If HA is used, stop the master service on both master servers and then upgrade both servers.

  7. Upgrade each agent server and manually add them back into the upgraded cluster. Upgrading agents works the same way as upgrading a master server. Add each upgraded agent to the configuration parameter /vsmserver/subclusters/<name>/agents on the master. Restart the master service afterward. If HA is used, do this on both master servers. Once at least one agent is added users will again be able to create new sessions.

Once all agent servers are upgraded and added back into the cluster all users will be able to reconnect to existing sessions and the upgrade is complete.

New licenses

Before performing an upgrade the first step is to find out if new license files are required to run the new version. ThinLinc license files delivered with version x.y.z will still work for versions with the same x and y but higher z, but not for increased x or y. For example, license files for ThinLinc 3.1.0 will still work for ThinLinc 3.1.1, but not for ThinLinc 3.2.0 or ThinLinc 4.0.0.

As the new licenses will work with the old (current) version, it’s a good idea to install them as the first step in the upgrade process.

Upgrading the package

The same installation program that you used to install ThinLinc is also used to upgrade it. It is located in the root directory of the server bundle. Extract the bundle and start the installation program as follows:

$ sh ./install-server

and answer the questions. If you prefer, you can also upgrade the ThinLinc package by hand. This package is located in the subdirectory packages in the server bundle.

If install-server was used, it will ask if ThinLinc setup should be started at the end of the package upgrade. If ThinLinc setup wasn’t started automatically, it should be started manually after the package upgrade by running /opt/thinlinc/sbin/tl-setup.

Configuration migration

Once the package has been upgraded, a decision will sometimes be required regarding how to migrate the configuration. When a conflict between the saved configuration and the configuration in the new release arises, a choice has to be made.

ThinLinc setup will present choices regarding migration of Hiveconf files. Conflicting files that aren’t Hiveconf files are not affected by ThinLinc setup. In these cases the package upgrade will have kept your configuration in place and saved the new default values from the new ThinLinc version as .rpmnew or .dpkg-dist versions of the conflicting files. Potential migration of non-Hiveconf files has to be done manually.

The three options that are presented in ThinLinc setup are as follows:

  • Use the new Hiveconf files and migrate the parameters and values from the old files.

    With this option, all configuration changes done in the earlier version are preserved. The configuration will be based on the new files. Values of parameters that have been moved or renamed in the new release will be migrated to the new parameters. Parameters that have been removed will be deleted. Comments will not be migrated. The file structure and file names may also be different. All parameters and values from the listed Hiveconf files are copied over. This means that unchanged parameters in these files will use the default values from the earlier release.

    Note that a certain parameter will be defined if it is defined either in the new or old Hiveconf files. This means that if you have removed some parameters, for example one of the example profiles, those parameters will again exist after the migration. For profiles, however, this will not affect the user session, since profiles are only visible if they are also listed in the “order” parameter.

    Parameters will be removed from the new Hiveconf files if they are defined elsewhere. For example, if /vsmagent/agent_hostname has been moved from vsmagent.hconf to local.hconf, this change will be preserved.

  • Use all old Hiveconf files.

    With this option, all the old files are used. Custom comments and the file structure are preserved, but no new parameters or comments from the new release are introduced. Please note that configuration files which are identical in the old and new release are not listed or processed. This means that new default values in such files are introduced even with this option.

  • Ignore old Hiveconf files and use the new files.

    With this option, the listed configuration files are ignored and the new files are used instead. Please note that configuration files which are identical in the old and new release are not listed or processed. This means that configuration changes to such files are preserved even with this option.