Local device export

ThinLinc supports export of different local devices. This means that a device that exists on your client computer or terminal can be reached from the ThinLinc session that runs on the server. The types of devices that can be exported varies depending on which operating system the ThinLinc client runs on. The export is, very generalized, done by establishing secure tunnels for the data transmission and services that connect both ends. Here follows more information about each type of possible export; for detailed information about how to enable each type of export in the client, see Local devices tab below.

Sound device

This feature makes it possible to hear sound from applications that runs on the ThinLinc server. Sound will be sent from the ThinLinc server to your local client through a secure connection. A small local sound daemon will be automatically started by the ThinLinc client. A secure tunnel for sound will be established during the ThinLinc session setup.

All programs that support PulseAudio should automatically be aware of this tunnel and send their sound to the client. See also Using sound device redirection for information about supporting other applications.

The sound data that is sent from the server session to the local client is uncompressed audio data. This means that it can be relatively large and may use relatively much network bandwidth. This feature should not be used if you plan to use ThinLinc over low bandwidth connections such as modems or ISDN connections.

Serial ports (Windows and Linux only)

This feature makes it possible to export two local serial ports to the ThinLinc session. When serial port redirection is enabled, a small redirection daemon will be automatically started by the ThinLinc client during session startup. A secure tunnel for serial port data will be established.


When activating serial port redirection, all users on the terminal server can access the serial port of the client machine.


This feature makes it possible to, in a secure way, export one or many local drives from the client machine to the server session. This can be local hard disk volumes, local CD-ROM drives, and so on. The local drive will be made available on the ThinLinc server session.

Each exported device can have individual permission settings. All export settings are made in the ThinLinc client options interface.


This feature makes it possible to export a local printer to make it available from the ThinLinc session. When enabled, the client will set up a secure tunnel for printer jobs. The client will also activate a small built-in print server that listens for printer jobs on this tunnel.

When you print to the special printer queue thinlocal in your ThinLinc session, then the job will be sent through this tunnel and then printed on the client machine. On Linux platforms, the print job will always be sent to the default printer. On Windows and macOS, it is possible to select whether the print job should be sent to the default printer or if the printer selection dialog should be used every print. Note that device dependent print jobs will always go to the default printer.

For more information about printer redirection in ThinLinc, see Local printer support.

Smart card readers

This feature makes it possible to export all local smart cards and smart card readers to make them available from the ThinLinc session. All smart card readers available to the system will be exported to the session so there is nothing to configure except an activation switch.

The ThinLinc client relies on the PC/SC interface present on the system to communicate with the smart card readers. If you have a reader that uses another system, then that reader will not be exported.