

Value-Added Reseller (VAR)

Cendio Value-Added Reseller can provide the expertise and experience needed to successfully implement a ThinLinc-based solution. A VAR have direct contact with Cendios tech team for fastest repsonse back to their clients. The partner alos communicate in local language and handle the legal issues. We at Cendio can also assist with helping you finding a local partner the fulfill your needs.

Reseller and distributors

Cendio has resellers for the ThinLinc software from the most regions worldwide. The resellers are experts in handling buiness with foregin vendors, talk local language and handle the legal issues. Reseller and Cendio have well functions routines avaible since many years of relationships. The reseellers can also assist in license management, and tender bids for your organization. We at Cendio can also assist with helping you finding a local partner the fulfill your needs.

Strategic partner

Cendio strategic partners are hardware/software vendors that has a deep partnerships with Cendio. A technical partnerships means that the products has been integrated, or offer their products in combination with ThinLinc. A tech partnerships primary aim is to do it more easy for the customer and get out more form both parties products, more easy descibed 1+1 > 2.


Cendio are always looking for new partners that together with Cendio can make it easy for our customers. Cendio also belive that a good and mutal partnerships develops the business in a good way for all. Interested to talk further with Cendio about partnership, please contact us


Find partner by country

  • SHI (Reseller)

    More than 15,000 corporate, enterprise, government and academic organizations rely on SHI to support their transformation, collaboration, security and optimization needs. Three decades of private ownership and consistent, organic growth (through neither merger nor acquisition) have allowed for constant reinvestment into our business to ensure SHI delivers custom, cutting-edge IT solutions backed with world-class customer support.

  • Software One (Reseller)

    SoftwareONE is a leading global provider of end-to-end software and cloud technology solutions, headquartered in Switzerland. With an IP and technology-driven services' portfolio, it enables companies to holistically develop and implement their commercial, technology and digital transformation strategies. This is achieved by modernizing applications and migrating critical workloads to public clouds, while simultaneously managing and optimizing the related software and cloud assets and licensing. SoftwareONE’s offerings are connected by PyraCloud, its proprietary digital platform, which provides customers with data-driven, actionable intelligence. With around 8,700 employees and sales and service delivery capabilities in 90 countries, SoftwareONE provides around 65,000 business customers with software and cloud solutions from over 7,500 publishers. SoftwareONE’s shares (SWON) are listed on SIX Swiss Exchange.

  • Future Tech (Reseller)

    Future Tech is an award-winning IT solutions provider that supports leading companies in the aerospace, defense, education, energy, government, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail sectors. We help companies maximize their range of IT investments, delivering solutions for hardware/software procurement, data storage, modular data centers, hybrid cloud, cybersecurity, logistics, 3D print and Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality (VR/AR).

People say

I found the software to be very light and responsive: it's almost as if I was using the computer locally. I used to copy to my notebook the post-processing outputs of the numerical simulations (videos and images) that I run on the workstation. Now, using ThinLinc, I view such results remotely (videos and images load and run with great performance).


In terms of feedback, I can say that I have tried VNC (clunky and no sound), MS Remote Desktop (painfully, painfully slow) and Real VNC (how on Earth do you install the license if you use professional subscription?). ThinLinc was easy to set up and just worked extremely well. 85ms is not so far away, and yet the MS client just chokes on it.


I must say that I am quite surprised by your product. We have used a lot of different remote desktop solutions in the past (RealVNC, NiceDCV, NoMachine, ...) but all had some issues at one point or the other. I came over ThinLinc only accidentally, but I was smiling all the way though my evaluation. Many things where we thought "it would be nice, if..." are addressed here.


ThinLinc is much smoother for the GUI experience over long-distance connections. Even from 2000 miles away ThinLinc provides a good experience, in our past NX can be more choppy. The ThinLinc installer is much nicer too, it’s much better at solving the dependencies on Linux systems. The built-in security in ThinLinc is a huge win, now we don’t have to deal with trying to secure/tunnel the insecure software protocols like VNC.

L. S.

So I came across this article looking for help on configuring multiple ports/users for TigerVNC for a training class we are to start. I saw someone spoke about ThinLinc. I went to their website downloaded it, and can't believe how this is not more popular, its utterly a God send for people that need a vnc tool. It's fantastic.

I highly recommend ThinLinc!

rob_morin (Reddit)

Thank you for this suggestion. I have been banging my head against the wall for the past few days trying to figure out what was wrong with Debian 11 and VNC. I couldn't ever make it work with anything other than XFCE, and that was with only one account. So, not useful if I need additional users accessing the system. I installed this, and it was set up faster than VNC was!

Sllim126 (Reddit)

We’re a small life science startup, we have 3-4 scientists who need to remote into two Linux systems via GUI (they’re not command line folks) to test out some scientific programming. I used ThinLinc at my last company and was pleased how much better it was over NX/VNC/etc, and with an easy setup as well. We have the 5-pack license, I’m sure as we hire more folks we’ll need to get more. Thanks and keep up the good work!


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