.. meta:: :description: Instructions for uninstalling ThinLinc server using native package manager commands. .. _uninstalling: Uninstalling the ThinLinc server ================================ Contrary to the installation process, there is no formal server uninstall script. As a substitute, the ThinLinc server may readily be uninstalled via command line by referring to the package 'thinlinc-server', using the package manager native to the system. For instance, on an RPM-based system that would entail .. code:: console $ sudo dnf remove thinlinc-server Depending on the Linux distribution, it is possible that some server-related files may linger in :file:`/opt/thinlinc/` after uninstall. To completely purge these, one may freely remove this directory. However, note that client-related files are distributed in parallel with server-related files in this directory tree. Hence, in the presence of a client installation, it is ill-advised to remove :file:`/opt/thinlinc/` indiscriminately.